(Note: a version of this originally appeared on the blog I wrote for the historical association I volunteered at long ago, so I never put it on my own blog. However, I was pretty proud of it, and it was one of the “A-ha!” moments I was most proud of, so I’m revising the post and putting it here.)
In April 2014, I was working on transcribing a 2009 oral history interview with a woman I’ll call JAR. In JAR’s interview,
she mentions a class picture she brought in to donate to the historical association*.
As I was transcribing the interview, I thought of all the boxes we had in our
collections room -- boxes not yet processed, boxes not properly processed, boxes processed but lost -- and wondered where in the world that picture might be, where it could have been put in the past five years. I thought about all the different class pictures we had -- all the many, many class pictures we had -- and I thought about how much I’d
love to find the picture and include it with the interview transcript on-site, as well as use it as a visual aid on the web version of the
transcript. Now, if only I could find that picture…
The next time I was working on organizing our
collections and entering them into our database, I reminded myself I needed to
find that picture. I had been planning how to try to find it: I could search
our database for JAR’s name, to see if it was donated under her name (But was
it an actual donation? And was it donated in her name? Would she have
donated it under her maiden name or her married name? And would her name have been recorded as JAR or as J A R [Think about half the duo who played Michelle Tanner on Full House: would the cataloger have recorded her name as Mary Kate, or properly as Mary-Kate?]?); I could search our
database by the school name (But everyone seemed to have a different way of calling the school, so was it cataloged as “Alderwood School,”
“Alderwood Grade School,” “Alderwood Manor School,”…?); I could search by the
grade level or year (But was that information included with the picture when it was cataloged? And
did she say what grade/year it was in the interview?). So I had a few possible
routes to search, but wasn’t sure any of them would lead to results. I was
already disheartened without even starting my search!
As I was working in our database, reminding myself of all
the ways I wanted to look for the picture, thinking of all the potential
roadblocks, and reminding myself of the names JAR had mentioned as being in
the picture (KS, MS, AN), I just happened to go
through our collection of class photos, completely unrelated to looking for
that picture. And then… there… My eye was caught by the name MS.
“Wait!” I thought to myself. “Could it be… ?” Then I saw KS’s name
listed with that same picture. “Could it…?” And then AN’s name! “No…
This is too good to be true!” But there it was: a class picture, third grade,
It was a beautiful, glorious moment. The clouds parted, the
sun came out (Okay, I was in the basement of our building, so I don’t really
know if the clouds parted and the sun came out), angels sang! “I think I’ve
found it!”
The true test, though, was something that I hadn’t planned
on looking for, but that popped into my head as I was investigating this
picture: JAR had mentioned a little boy with holes in the knees of his pants. I checked the
front row, like I remember JAR saying in her interview, and squinted hard.
Sure enough, front and center, there’s a little boy with what looks to be a
hole in the knee of his pants. Eureka! I’d found the picture!
Doing the history of a place from before you were there is always tricky. No matter how much studying you’ve done on the subject, you’re at some amount of a disadvantage not having lived through it first hand. For this particular organization, I was seen as a newcomer, being much younger than everyone else and living in the city after it incorporated so many other nearby parts, rather than coming from one of those country parts that was incorporated. As a result, I didn’t know a lot of the history
and people that our members all seemed to know, and a lot of my knowledge about the
area’s past came from research: reading books, listening to others,
transcribing oral histories, entering donations. Because I didn’t have that
first-hand knowledge, I wouldn’t have automatically known that this picture was
JAR’s class, or known by looking at the faces that these were the same kids
she was talking about. So when I could research (or, to some extent, just get
lucky) and find something specific to a project, or to a story I’d heard, it was
a huge deal for me. And when I miraculously found the exact picture
that someone referred to in an interview, and when I stumbled over that
picture without even searching for it, that’s one of those Eureka moments I
just love!
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2010.FIC.059A |
*Because I find it so charming, here are the relevant passages of the oral history:
JAR: But you know, I do have a picture here, a photograph of our third grade. A lot of kids in this class, and there are at least nine now that are still alive and come to our school reunions or to special events here... . And these boys, like for instance, well, KS, I’ve known him since the first or second grade. ... and then there’s AN. I see AN, who is in business still to this day, at an automotive agency. And of course MS, who was my friend. And MS2; her mother was a teacher at Alderwood Grade School. And she’s also in this picture. Just cute kids. RD, ... and she just lives down the street from me, believe it or not. I didn’t know it for a long time. And then there’s AS. Now, these people I see at various events, and I’m sure that there are many others, too, but I haven’t—I’ve lost contact with them. But this picture is wonderful, and I want you to have a copy of this to show with this interview, because the children all look—they’re so innocent [laughs], and they’re so cute. They’re in third grade. Some of the boys are kind of hamming it up, and mimicking, and doing little things. And the girls just sit there and smile, with their hands folded. It’s just priceless.
CR: Very innocent time.JAR: Very innocent time.
CR: Did you have a different feel for when you moved in to the city and had to go to the city school—
JAR: Oh, yes—
CR: —after you’d gone to the country school for so long?
JAR: Oh, yes. I remember sometimes kids would come to school here in Alderwood in bare feet. I remember one time the principal sent them home, probably for their own safety, you know. But they would— There they were. If you look at this picture, you’ll see a little boy here in the front row, and his pants, he’s got holes in his knees. His pants are kind of torn, you know. And it’s just— It’s a whole different time, and a whole different lifestyle. When I went in to northern Seattle, everybody was dressed, dressed well. It was a more serious life there. More organized. Out here, it was just free.
This is a good example of what genealogists call a FAN (family, associates, neighbors) club search. It's a great way of expanding your potential leads - good job using it!